World Flowers
  • Name of Flower
  • Botanical Name
  • Babiana
  • Babiana curbiscapa
  • Baby’s Breath
  • Gypsophila elegans
  • Ballhead Sandwort
  • Arenaria congesta
  • Barberton Daisy
  • Gebera jamesonii
  • Beach Spider Lilies
  • Hymenocallis littoralis
  • Bears Breeches
  • Acanthus mollis
  • Begonia Fairlady
  • Begonia sempeflorens
  • Belladonna Lily
  • Amaryllis belladonna
  • Bigleaf Sandwort
  • Moehringia macrophylla
  • Bird of Paradise
  • Strelitzia reginae
  • Bird’s Foot Trefoil
  • Lotus corniculatus
  • Bitter Gourd
  • Momordica charantia
  • Black Camas
  • Camassia quamash
  • Black Eyed Susan
  • Rudbekia hirta
  • Black Mustard
  • Brassica nigra
  • Black Wattle
  • Acacia mearnsii
  • Bleeding Heartwine
  • Clerodendrum thomsoniae
  • Blood Lily
  • Scadoxus multiflorus
  • Blue Alpine Daisy
  • Aster alpines
  • Blue Bugleweed
  • Ajuga genevensis
  • Blue Dawn flower
  • Ipomea indica
  • Blue Fax
  • Linum lewisii
  • Blue Hibiscus
  • Alyogyne huegelii
  • Blue Jacaranda
  • Jacaranda mimosifolia
  • Blue Larkspur
  • Delphinium bicolor
  • Blue Lotus
  • Nymphaea caerulea
  • Blue Mountain prairie clover
  • Dalea ornata
  • Blue Penstemon
  • Penstemon cyaneus
  • Blue Pimpernel
  • Anagallis monelli
  • Blue Poppy Anemone
  • Anemone coronaria
  • Blue Sage
  • Salvia farinacea
  • Blue Star
  • Amsonia tabernaemontana
  • Blue Trumpet Bush
  • Aechmanthera gossypina
  • Blue Wild Indigo
  • Baptisia australis
  • Blue Wood Aster
  • Aster cordifolius
  • Blue-eyed Mary
  • Collinsia parviflora
  • Blue-Passion flower
  • Passiflora caerulea
  • Blushing Bromeliad
  • Neoregelia carolinae
  • Bottle Brush
  • Callistemon citrinus
  • Brazilian Vaseplant
  • Aechmea distichantha
  • Bugle
  • Ajuga reptans
  • Bulbinella
  • Bulbine frutescens
  • Bull Thistle
  • Cirsium vulgare
  • Busy Lizzie
  • Impatiens walleriana
  • Butterfly Bush
  • Buddleja davidii
  • Butterfly Weed
  • Asclepias tuberose
  • Buttonweed
  • Abutilon theophrasti
Friendly Borders